Sunday, December 31, 2006
Sense over Sensuality
Its not that I dont drink, I do but I do know drunkeness leads to many many bad desicions, and it aint worth it in comparison to 'how good it feels'. Whne people say 'I don't remeber what happened last night' we all know (those of us who have been drunk) that we know what happened, at least in general terms, and are just too ashamed to admit it.
So everyone, lets let our SENSE rule our sensuality.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
merry christ mass
taken from:
T. S. Elliot, (1888–1965). Prufrock and Other Observations. 1917.
And indeed there will be time | |
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street, | |
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes; | 25 |
There will be time, there will be time | |
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; | |
There will be time to murder and create, | |
And time for all the works and days of hands | |
That lift and drop a question on your plate; | 30 |
Time for you and time for me, | |
And time yet for a hundred indecisions, | |
And for a hundred visions and revisions, | |
Before the taking of a toast and tea. | |
In the room the women come and go | 35 |
Talking of Michelangelo. |
remember, theres always time.
Or is there?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Darwin's Heroes
I've been watching a TV series on the computer called Heroes.
It is quite good. The story line is actually complex, sophisticated and almost...almost... believable which is unlike most TV shows. Its only been showing for ten weeks in the US and is probably not going to show in NZ for a while, but you can watch it on NBC:
It's good, could be seen as an Xmen copy or mutation, but is not. I like it.
But I have one problem with it, a big problem:
The Heroes, seemingly random men, women and children who are each discovering their own power from flying to painting the future, according to the Narrator are merely experiencing the natrual movement of Evolution, eg these powers are a product of humans moving to the next stage in Evolution. Apparently this goes according to the great evolutionist Darwin's theory.
Now know that I am against the Evolution theory, but here is some questions, why is this all happening now, I mean present day?
I was under the impression that a species would only evolve when in danger, and then only over long periods of time. According to the show the heroes are all starting ot discover their powers quite quickly and almost sunddenly. Hasn't the human race been in more danger more often in the past than now, than in urban America and various other places that would be considered 'safe' in the world, as the show proclaims?
This theory seems to me to be an existentialist's attempt at explaining the supernatrual eg. dreams telling the future, levitating, superhuman strength, hearing others thoughts, which has been a part of human history in the ancient past just as much as it is in the present day. We, humans, are something more than physical no matter what we do in our short lives.
We are who we are, and who we are defines what we do.
We are more than merely physical, and the show 'Heroes' agrees on this, although Darwin wouldn't. How can science explain the existence of a soul, of the spirit, of the supernatrual?
And thats my problem with Heroes! Otherwise it's great!
Thursday, December 14, 2006

whoops that title was done in caps...but i will leave it. its more... organic. and kiwi's need vegetation....bwahaha.
anyway I been working on some more paining and drawing....but my scanenrs not workin so well. heres a muck round with oils.
What does it mean? It's a study on the Gaze of the individual.He is not an imposing character, yet he is focoused surely on wnat he needs to do. And what is that you may ask? That is something you can only decide for yourself..
Also, this is a GREAT video which I stole from my friend Sarah's blog. its great. watch....
Monday, December 11, 2006
I been'a painting

been painting with a friend today: Sorawit. Its on a huge canvas given to me by my mother, and we're doing a kind of collaboration on the imagery of Revelation (a very interesting book for christians and non-christians alike).
the photos were not so good. The first photo is my stuff, the last one Sorawit's. the other two show the combination.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I had a Best friend's wedding on Saturday, He is my first close friend to get married.
It was an amazing time, and very dream like. I was doing the filming of the ceremony, and one thing I especially noted was the stunning weather.
Anyway, on the way other to
So- (I'm having big problems with the template! it won't keep the original format of the poem! it reverts to a left flush aligment of text with no spacing!)I wrote this poem:
The Weather, the Times
The Colours of High Places
At first in small and then large
Thunder cracked the buzzing air, it was
Followed by a drowning silence.
Slowly, carefully, the rain
Leaked through the Crack in sky
Above the anxious congregation
Waiting for the Bride. Was the weather a
But She came, still,
And we forgot the weather.
I, returning, considered the moody sky.
To the East, a crackling golden
To the North, foreboding blue, to South
A healthy pink, to West
Shades of dying grey.
And I ask, Why am I leaving
North? And to which direction
will you leave, Friend?
So this is Blog
I'm a Kiwi, Kiwi's need vegetation.
Basically this Blog will just contain some of my art, opinions, stories, life goings on, poems, struggle, or thats what I'm intending.
(Kiwi=New Zealander) Publish