Friday, April 27, 2007

A tribute to all kiwis

It make a brotha proud to be kiwi...we sure are persevering, aren't we

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

longing for peace

Listen to the poem of a leading atheist thinker Bertrand Russell:

Through the long years
I sought peace,
I found ecstacy, I found anguish,
I found madness,
I found loneliness.
I found the solitary pain
that knaws the heart,
But peace I did not find.

-a poem to Edith.

Listen to these words:

Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

wouldn't want to come face to face with this mumma

killer fungi


Sharing faith

Thinking back over the few times I have walked up to strangers and shared my faith with them (that is the power of Jesus to save us in a perishing world) and I've had varying results. If you scoot down my blog you will see a video with a skit about excuses of why christians don't share they're faith. Its funny and quite true in some ways but I was talking to a friend and he said that the main reason Christians in our modern society don't share their faith is that they don't know Jesus sincerely expects us to. Matt 28:19. Its unclusive to all christians to... go and make more christian babys. In fact I think its essential to a believers growth in their faith-to be share it.

Mr.Zinn is a peace activist.
Think about that all you christians, cause if we stand still on this train of a secular world we will be flying a hundred miles away from the truth. We need to be active!

Falling back to my original thought, that being about the varying results of sharing my faith with strangers, I think its important to speak the truth even if no one listens.
One night me and some friends went out to Queen street and talked to people for hours about Jesus and I was amazed at how open people were. The whole night was amazing, I had so many conversations with people who were just hanging round with nothing to do and they were so open to God's truth and my testimony. We didn't get back home till 4 am or so which was crazy, but God did some great things in people's hearts that night. Other times I've shared and people have been totally closed.
At AUT we were doing an easter thing giving out eggs and I was invited to play Scum with these girls in the common room. I managed to mumble out a few words about the gospel but it just felt so wrong, like 'I shouldn't be here'. I left feeling like a bully after beating them all 3 rounds in a row.

But looking back, I know its God who changes people's hearts not me. So if I speak it out and nobody listens its not my responsibility. And if people do and respond its God who does the work not my many mumblings.

if your interested there are some fantastic talks by Ravi Zacherias you should listen to:

Its about being active in your faith, in your life and being proactive about what you believe in.