Saturday, August 16, 2008


I haven't had much time at all on my hands these past few weeks. I am heading in towards the end of my Bachelor of Graphic Design, so the pressure is really on, plus the fact that I have had major issues with my computer the last week to keep me very busy.

A friend and I were talking about escapism the other day. He is interested in escapism in the area of computer games. He was thinking that because people in the world aren't happy, they use certain computer games to escape this world and enter another, where you can be whomever you want, and forget about this life for a moment. He knows people who literally work eat and play computer games. That is their life. He himself finds escapism through computer games an important part of his life, which help him maintain his sanity.
I heard someone say once, in an old recording somewhere online, (it was possibly Billy Graham) that escapism isn't a bad thing. In fact it seems to be a important part of the lives of all humans. We watch movies, read books, listen to music, play computer games, to take our minds off reality, amongst other thing. It can become a negative thing, especially when taken to the extreme. And what does escapism tell us about ourselves? This is a fundamental question which, I believe, points us towards the eternal.

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