whoops that title was done in caps...but i will leave it. its more... organic. and kiwi's need vegetation....bwahaha.
anyway I been working on some more paining and drawing....but my scanenrs not workin so well. heres a muck round with oils.
What does it mean? It's a study on the Gaze of the individual.He is not an imposing character, yet he is focoused surely on wnat he needs to do. And what is that you may ask? That is something you can only decide for yourself..
Also, this is a GREAT video which I stole from my friend Sarah's blog. its great. watch....
1 comment:
hi mate its elliot :)
thanks for your tag on my blog - its good to hear from you. singapore is great and im loving being home, and proud to be singaporean as per normal. there is just something about being at home where one belongs that is to me a fraction of what its like to realise that we really belong to Christ and should live for His glory alone.
Thanks for your comments - i appreciate your honesty as usual. I re-read my blog to make sure i wasn't high or drunk when blogging on my Asian friends. The reason for my article was to question the ethos of my church being an "english speaking chinese congregation", and my "taking the piss" remarks weren't racist comments but sharp jokes which i was trying to use to help people realise that its silly to be an "asian" group because we are all one in Christ and really should be reaching out to those of any race or language or even sexuality. I apologise if using the word "piss" was stumbling for you. I'll try to keep a check on my language in the future - always a struggle. But rest assured its not in any way a hatred for Chinese or Asians - but rather just a frustration at the ethnic segregation in Auckland spilling over to an apathetic acceptance of that in the Christian circles.
Hope ur enjoying the hols. Keep your paintings up :)
Love to the CFers if you see them.
Ciao bro.
For the sake of the Gospel
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