I'm probably starting a project at university on the character Rupert the Bear, has anyone heard of him? He is a 1950's children's book character:

As you can probably see the line work is superb and I am lucky enough to have a few old annuls of my mothers, albeit that they are falling to pieces and often have pages missing, and looking on the net I see I could make a few hundred dollars out of them if I were to put them up for collector's items- though I never would. This interesting bear spend his days on strange mythical adventures with mermaids, or in cities underground, and the authors use descriptive text and poetic descriptions to explain what exactly is going on in the pictures.
Another option is to do the character of Jesus as illustrated by Brian Wildsmith in the book The Bible story. He is also very well illustrated and uses many powerful and the bright colours of the late sixties, and the beautiful lines which are fluid but simple. Click on the image to see what I mean.

My final option is Tintin, a fantastic character, very close to my heart, and hugely influential in

1 comment:
Hi Si
Sounds like you are getting back into everything now you are home.
I loved Rupert the bear, only had one book and read it all the time when i was little, all the best for what you chose to do.
Hope to see you soon, maybe Easter or Taupo Bay.
Lots oflove
Aunty Toni
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