Monday, February 19, 2007

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

The study of the stem cell is a major excitement for the scientist of our day. My father is himself a micro-biologist, and although he deals primarily with sea food, he admits that the discovery of the power of stem cells is huge.

Now all over the world stem cells are being developed and researched to assist us, the human race, in the healing and in regenrative process. The cells contain enough information to become any cell in our body, thus allowing the potential recovery from desiase, injuries ec cetera.

But at what cost will we subscribe to this healing power being made avaliable to us?
There are as of now three ways of getting stem cells:
1. From the umbilical corn of new borm babies. These cords are normally disposed of, but it turns out they contain stem cells. The stem cells are only likely to help people within the babys family and bloodline. The futher the recipitent is geneticly from the child, the less likely the stems cells will be accepted by the body. But otherwise they are amazing.
2. From bone marrow. This is a good source of stem cells, albeit it seems that it causes alot of pain to the donor. But the pain may be the price someone is willing to pay for the healing of a loved one.
3. The most controversal source of stem cells is from embryos. Scientist all over the world are declaring that by using the original nuclei of a newly concepted embryo is the best and most powerful source of stem cells. The only problem, ethically, is that the extraction of the stem cell from a embryo imediatly terminates the life of that child. Of course it isn't considered human by modern day moralists, and according to many is of no concequence. I plead otherwise. We each, everyone of us was once an embryo, or a pre-embryo as they are now deeming the embryos they are experiementing on as a means to side-step the moral issue at stake here: ARE WE AS A HUMAN RACE WILLING TO SACRIFICE OUR CHILDREN FOR THE SAKE OF POSSIBLE HEALING AND FOR THE SAKE OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. For THAT is a serious mistake.

These children, now being cut-off from the gift of life internationally every moment, have no voice. But when the next life comes, or is it the next death for some, they will be a voice to be reckoned with: "I was being killed and no one came to be my voice."

Will you act today?
Or will you stand by as the lives of so many are flushed down the disposial tubes of hospitals, science labs and abortion clinics.

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