Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The world is rocking back and forth

When you spend two days sailing on the Auckland harbour, it gives you the feeling of being a priveliged citizen of our world. Our world, where if you own a computer you are in the top one perecent of the human race, in terms of wealth at least.Some would say in other things also. I would not. Would you?

Think back to 1st century AD, when the mountain of Vesuvius, covering and cementing the city of Pompeii in ash within seconds. Almost all the citezens seemed to have ignored any warning of impending doom, if there was any. We see the solid remains of people sitting at a table together playing dice, cards or eating and talking together perfectly preseved in human shape statue. Some figures are standing, some sitting, some lying. All are frozen in time, presented to us as a memorial of those who died two thousand years ago and a caution to those living. Pompeii had a water stuply system more advanced than that of New York in 1987, not only watering Pompeii but also the surroundung cities. And in one day it was gone, left to us, the surviving world, as a warning. To be ready.

He will come like a thief in the night.

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