Sunday, November 18, 2007

the weekend

Hello all,

its been good to go out to church in the villages of Arusha today. The building looked small from the outside, but inside was packed. It was a rickety old thing with an alluminium roof, but next to it there was the foundations of a bigger building. We, of course, had to sit at the front, and the singing was powerful. I don't no what it is called but the choir seemed to be hitting every note in every harmony avliable and probably a few that weren't. Their lungs are so powerful they definitely don't need a sound system. Its was amazing to sing with them and play a song as well.
We also met with Caroline of Harbour Vineyard's cousin and her husband and son which was nice. They were very friendly and generous, and I think I will be spending a bit of time with them over the summer.
We are leaving for the visit to our sponser child tomorrow, so I won't be blogging next week I suspect, but if you're reading this leave a comment. Its pretty silent arround here...and I would love to hear some voices from back home...


Unknown said...

Hi Simon!

Hey great pictures, its fanatstic to see pictures taken by someone we know rather then from a magazine.

I hope your getting through all the bugs and heat, i mean any place is better then back home our weather can't make up its mind its just grey.

Also we saw the exhibition and it wasn't exactly 'amazing', it's kinda like the weather.

We are all praying for you and your dad. Hope your safe and stuff.


Rosie said...

Hey Simon,
I recently found the note Robin tacked up on the whiteboard in the back room at work... It was hiding behind some very exciting looking notices from meetings and whatnot.
It sounds like you're having a great time over in Africa, those pictures are awesome! It's such a beautiful country.
I hope you and your dad are well :)


Anonymous said...

hi from us all at watea road. isaac andi have had a bit of adrenaline rush with trade me . dont worry we missed the sale.lots of ballet whichbeth loves. library couse is finished, si yung said i was a fast learner!i have a new person to take books to and ratana is back. max misses you but guards the rabbits all day. we prayed for you both heaps over the trip to world vision lad . keep us informed . love you heaps. mum

Anonymous said...

hi from beth and me it is late but beth had a big sleep. beth says she loves you both and can you please come home soon. also her friend finn broke his leg ,he is at am kindy with her. she is sad cause he was going to dance with her .york will come soon tho.everyone misses you but know you are happily together. love beth.
jenny ayling came today we had a great talk about africa.enjoy today it is a mum .love you bothxxx